
This page can be modified at any time. Please refer to it regularly.

1. Object [14/10/2020]

The present general conditions of sale and use govern the framework in which SeaPerf provides to the customer the service to which the customer has subscribed. This general conditions of sale and use are governed by French law. The these general conditions of sale and use may be supplemented by special conditions. The customer's subscription to one of the offers proposed by SeaPerf implies the full understanding and acceptance by the client of the following general terms and conditions of sale and use. No tolerance on the part of SeaPert in the execution of the present general conditions of sale and use do not shall be construed as a waiver of the terms and conditions herein or in the special conditions apply.

2. Conditions of registration [14/10/2020]

A person has an account with SeaPerf when he or she has completed correctly the account registration form and that they have read and approved the these general conditions of sale and use. The customer undertakes to provide an exact identity and contact information. Following the creation of the customer's account, the latter receives an e-mail acknowledging receipt of the opening of its account containing the necessary information to connect to his account. SeaPerf reserves the right to perform identity checks at any time. At what point in time by requesting administrative documents (Proof of address, invoice, identity card...). In the case where the customer intentionally provides false, inaccurate, out-of-date or incomplete identification information, SeaPerf may result in the immediate suspension of the client's service(s) without notice.

3. Password [14/10/2020]

The customer is solely responsible for the use of his password and undertakes to the keep it secret and not to disclose it. We are in no way responsible for lost passwords and hacking.

4. Right of withdrawal [14/10/2020]

The customer may not exercise his right of withdrawal after receipt of his order (Article L221-28 of the Consumer Code).

5. Delivery [14/10/2020]

SeaPerf undertakes to deliver the services ordered within a maximum period of 48 hours. working hours. SeaPerf reserves the right to keep an order pending if Supporting documents have been requested. The customer will be able to contest to SeaPerf only after 48 working hours following the order if it has not been delivered on time.

6. Availability of services [14/10/2020]

The customer declares and guarantees that he is fully aware of the characteristics and the constraints of the Internet, and in particular that data transmissions and of information on the Internet are only relatively technically reliable. These circulating on heterogenous networks with characteristics and capacities various techniques, which disrupt access or make it impossible for some people to access the periods. SeaPerf strives as much as possible to maintain all its services 7 days on 7 and 24 hours a day, but is under no obligation to do so. SeaPerf can therefore interrupt access, in particular for maintenance reasons. and upgrading, or for any other reasons, especially technical. SeaPerf is in no way responsible for these interruptions and for the consequences that may result. may result for the customer or any third party. SeaPerf will inform the customer as far as possible, within a reasonable period of time, by e-mail of a possible interruption of service, so that the client makes its arrangements. But has no obligation to do so. The interventions will be put online at SeaPerf reserves the right to interrupt a service, in particular if the service in question constitutes a danger for the maintenance of its platform. SeaPerf disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any warranty of value, quality, correspondence to the description, or suitability of the site SeaPerf has a particular use. SeaPerf does not guarantee that the use or the result of the use of the elements available through SeaPerf or third party sites will be correct, accurate, timely, reliable or of any quality. SeaPerf reserves the right to block a person from the entire infrastructure in case of of DDoS, for a limited or unlimited time. In no case SeaPerf will be held responsible for a loss of data or of a deterioration lige has data. Any information or advice provided by SeaPerf shall not be construed as a warranty of any kind. SeaPerf sets up a backup service. However the customer commits himself to his company has made its own backups. SeaPerf is in no way obliged to make the backups available to the customer.

7. Obligations of the customer [14/10/2020]

The customer declares that he fully accepts all legal obligations arising from the ownership of its services. SeaPerf can neither be searched nor worried in this respect for any reason that including in the event of a violation of laws or regulations applicable to the client's services. The client undertakes to pay directly to the claimant any sum that this one would require SeaPerf. In addition, the customer undertakes to intervene at SeaPerf's request at any time. against the latter as well as to guarantee SeaPerf for all the convictions that would be pronounced against her on this occasion. Consequently, the customer commits himself to make his personal business of any complaint and/or procedure, whatever the form, object or nature thereof, which would be against SeaPerf and which would relate to the obligations borne by the Company. customer under this agreement. The customer, solely responsible for the hosted content, agrees to ensure at its own expense the SeaPerf's defense in the event that SeaPerf is sued for damages. claim, relating to the data, information, messages..., and Aa take to its charges the compensation due to compensate for any damage that may have been suffered, on condition that to have complete freedom to compromise and conduct the procedure. The customer commits himself to respect the people who work at SeaPerf, from the more low to the highest position. In case of disrespect of the team, the client will be banned from the support and will no longer be able to benefit from SeaPerf's support. The customer exposes himself to suspension of these services without notice. Customer agrees not to use the functionality of the service to send any (SPAM), to people who do not wish to receive large numbers of messages (SPAM). receive or has incorrect addresses. As such, SeaPerf reserves the right to put software tools are in place in the department concerned to prevent these practices. The customer undertakes to put in place the necessary back-up means ç the sustainability of its activity.

8. Obligations of the customer [14/10/2020]

SeaPerf is in no way responsible for the files hosted on its Servers, only the customer being responsible. SeaPerf does not accept sites with pornographic, defamatory character, containing illegal data, copyrighted material, constituting threats or The company is not responsible for any breach of morality and for the proper functioning of its servers. SeaPerf reserves the right to ask for a compensation for any prejudice. suffered. SeaPerf is in no way responsible for the flaws on the hosted files. In case of copyright violations, SeaPerf reserves the right to modify or delete any of the files. Delete files that use copyrighted content. In case of copy of website reported by the creator of the latter, SeaPerf will reserves the right to terminate the service in question.

9. Changes in services [14/10/2020]

It is reminded that SeaPerf may terminate or modify the characteristics of its services at any time without notice for any reason. SeaPerf reserves the right to close a free account at any time without reason.

10. Payments and Litigation [14/10/2020]

Before opening a dispute with the payment company, the customer undertakes to contact SeaPerf by email at the following address: The customer can open a dispute if no answer is received. given within 30 working days. At the time of the opening of a litigation with the company of payment by the customer, SeaPerf reserves the right to charge a handling fee to be paid by the client and a amount of 35 euros. In the event of a stop payment, SeaPerf reserves the right to charge a fee of 35 euros, as well as to open a file at the client's expense, and to open a collection file and/or legal proceedings to recover the funds. In case of dispute, SeaPerf reserves the right to cut off all services of the customer without notice. Moreover, if this dispute does not lead to anything the access of the service(s). will remain restricted and cannot be put back into service. In case of PayPal litigation from a bank, SeaPerf reserves the right to retranscribe the bank's file fees to the client (16 euros per transaction). SeaPerf reserves the right to use a collection company. The fees of collection will be at the expense of the customer. SeaPerf reserves the right to apply a late fee of one (1) euro per service and per day of delay.

11. Refund [14/10/2020]

No refund is possible if your order has been delivered. Beyond this delay, it will no longer be possible to obtain a refund. In order to benefit from the refund, you will have to contact SeaPerf by its support means. Officials. In case of refund you accept that these are made through the system. of credit on your customer account. SeaPerf does not reimburse under any circumstances by means of of payment used. Domain names are neither refundable nor exchangeable. Thus, the customer therefore renounces to exercise its right of withdrawal on domain names. No refund will be granted if the product has been used, for bad use of the product or following the suspension of the product by the SeaPerf team.

12. Non-compliance with the contract [14/10/2020]

In case of non-compliance with these conditions, SeaPerf reserves the right to suspend the customer's access to his account by terminating it definitively. The account of the automatically terminated by operation of law without delay and without notice. no formality, without prejudice to any damages for SeaPerf. If the contract contains the design of a web site, then the one if it can be deleted by SeaPerf only in case of non-payment of bills related to this service. SeaPerf reserves the right to immediately terminate the service provided, including but not limited to if the customer's behaviour is incompatible with the terms of the conditions general. The customer undertakes to act diligently to respond to any claim. He will SeaPerf indemnified at any time at first demand against any action, procedure, complaint, request, lawyer's fees, expertise fees, tax fees, sums of money, procedure, complaint, request, lawyer's fees, expertise fees, tax fees damages, whatever their origin, whether direct or indirect, and any advances made, related to the customer's failure to comply with any of the commitments defined herein and/or the use of the services. In case of DDoS attack thanks to the services made available by SeaPerf, it will be reserves the right to terminate access to the services used definitively and without notice. notice.

13. Modification of the contract [14/10/2020]

SeaPerf reserves the right to modify the present conditions. The modifications are presented on the SeaPerf website and it is then up to the customer to go to the website to take note of it, which he expressly accepts. An electronic mail will notify the client of any changes to these. If the customer does not agree with the changes, the customer can send an e-mail to but you agree that your service(s) is/are suspended following a breach of contract.

14. Free domain on some subscriptions [14/10/2020]

SeaPerf can offer you a free domain name under certain conditions, Les free names and their extensions are visible directly from the product sheet. SeaPerf will not make any refund on this product. The free domain is valid for a period of one year for any initial order greater than or equal to a a period of 6 months. In some specific cases, the client can be relieved, so the client takes a six-month period. is responsible for checking the information on the product sheet. If the period commitment at the time of the initial order is greater than one (1) year SeaPerf will offer you the domain name for the entire period of your initial commitment. The offered domain names are not renewable, the price of renewal is therefore included with your initial order.

15. Support and complaints [14/10/2020]

For any question, the customer can contact SeaPerf by any means of supports set up, i.e. the ticket support (from the customer area) or even on Facebook. In case of insult and/or harassment on the SeaPerf support, the latter reserves the right to suspend the customer's access to the support, to no longer provide assistance and to suspend its services temporarily or indefinitely.

16. Modification of the GTC/UGC [14/10/2020]

SeaPerf reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. without having to notify the User of the site It is of the It is the customer's responsibility to check these Terms and Conditions at regular intervals.